Top 3!® Game - R&B / Hip-Hop Version Available now!
Each game comes with a one-minute timer and 300 artists printed on 150 double-sided cards. The deck includes musicians from the 1960's to present day, making Top 3!™ multigenerational!

Top 3!® is the lively music matching game!
Top 3!® is the competitive trivia game that tests your music knowledge.
To win, match the three song titles on the card to the performing artist.

The Top 3!® Game Is for...
The Casual Music Listener ✔
The Music Lover ✔
The Radio Head ✔
If you don't fit into any of these categories but have heard of these three artists, Michael Jackson, The Supremes, or Migos.... Top 3!® is a game for you! ✔
Ways to play top 3!® Games
With three ways to play, the Original Way, Karaoke Style and Songs Galore - Top 3!™ Games will never be a one-hit wonder at your event!

The Perfect Travel Game!
You can take Top 3!® Games ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE! Our game box is smaller than your average cellphone, which makes it perfect for all game nights, the beach, a road trip, a flight, house party, and more!